Composer and pianist Misha Adair Bigos grew up in Seattle, Washington. After graduating from Gonzaga University he played piano on cruise ships for two years. Misha earned his Master’s Degree from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, where he studied piano with Alan Pasqua and voice with Sara Gazarek. Misha created Yarlung’s first iconic jazz recordings with Sophisticated Lady jazz quartet and inaugurated our new label, Andelain, with his solo piano debut titled Misha.
HDtracks | NativeDSD | Amazon | iTunes
Sophisticated Lady Jazz Quartet
CD | Vinyl | Analog | Amazon | iTunes | HDtracks | NativeDSD Vol 1 | Native DSD Vol 2 | SoundCloud
Simpler Times
CD | Analog | Amazon | iTunes | HDtracks | NativeDSD Vol 1 | Native DSD Vol 2 |SoundCloud
Misha Adair Bigos, Musician & Composer
Misha Bigos

Executive Producer: Ken Salkin
Corporate Sponsor: & Merging Technologies
Hi-Res 24 bit
Misha Booklet
Jazz Quartet

CD – John Pruit, executive producer
LP – Ann and Bill Harmsen, executive producers
Tape – Arian Jansen, executive producer
DSD vol I underwritten by ExaSound
DSD vol II underwritten by Merging
Hi-Res 24 bit
Simpler Times

CD – Randy Bellous, executive producer
Tape – Arian Jansen, executive producer
DSD vol I – underwritten by International Rectifier
DSD vol II – underwritten by PS Audio
Hi-Res 24 bit